Our Baby Stories

We all have a story, an experience. Similarities may exist from one story to the next, but every one is unique, because every child that we have lost is unique.

Writing can be a way to bond, a way to move forward, maybe even heal to an extent. Knowing that others have been in the place you are now, being able to relate, can bring a measure of comfort. If you are in a place where you would like to share, read the submission rules and Share Your Story here. We welcome stories from all family members...moms, dads, siblings, extended family, friends...

I learned there isn’t a silver lining to every story and answers are hard to come by. Three and half years later and I am still grieving. I will never forget my Chris and will ensure the world knows his name.

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My Angel Baby Chris

He had curly brown hair and the redest lips I have ever seen. He was a perfect angel.

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Baby Jayce