Vincent's Story

" Almost everyone who has Incomptent Cervix loses their first baby. " This was my first memory of when I found out my son would pass soon after delivery at 23 weeks Gestation. He slowly slipped away in my husbands arms just 16 minutes after birth. I was in a rural hospital so loss wasn't overly common but they did a good job in facilitating making memories I would cherish forever. In regards to bereavement care, aside from a counseller I sought out myself their was no supports in my area. After I was discharged from the hospital it was an incredibly lonely time. No one comes to visit after your baby dies. We did receive 2 bunches of flowers which were so welcome. An organization like Garden of Grace would have been helpful because it is very hard navigating such a devastating loss and any guidance would have been welcome. Even just to say "what you are feeling is normal". Pregnancy and infant loss is still very much a taboo."

                                                                  -Jessica Weatherbee